X-Rated Complete Series ・DVDRip

X-Rated Complete Series ・DVDRip
X-Rated Complete Series ・DVDRip
Avi | XVID | 640x352 25fps 972Kbps | 16:9 | Mp3 128Kbps 48000Hz | 1.98GB

Content Advisory: Program deals with mature subject matter and contains scenes of nudity. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. Contains (subjectively) offensive material, including nudity, sexuality and profanity

.・Top 20 Most Controversial TV Programs
・The Ads They Couldn稚 Show
・The Films That Shocked Britain
・Pop Videos They Tried To Ban

Episode guide on next page.

Episode 1:
Charting some of the most notorious TV moments which got viewers hot under the collar, and prompted them to complain in their hundreds and thousands.

Episode 2:
Every year, thousands of commercials are made that never reach our TV screens, deemed too shocking to see. In order to make it onto the screen, they must clear all manner of obstacles, from fussy clients to obsessive regulators and restrictive rights issues. X-Rated: The Ads They Couldn稚 Show is a special hour-and-a-half look at these outlawed pieces of advertising, revealing the most explicit, controversial and shocking ads never seen.

These are ads that break all manner of taboos, from sex, violence, blasphemy, homosexuality, animal cruelty, rapping pensioners, swearing children, suicidal toys and naked athletes to Kylie in her undies on a bucking bronco. Amongst the contributors are advertising executives, producers and censors. The programme also takes a look at the embarrassing world of western celebrities in Japanese ads, and the biggest thing to happen to advertising since television: the advent of viral campaigning: the adverts that arrive in your inbox and are not subject to the same regulation as TV ads.

Episode 3:
A documentary plotting the history of 噌・rated films ・mostly pornography ・the last sixty years. The first 噌・film was certified and released in 1952 ・allowing horror movies, violence and sex to appear in cinemas, often under the guise of 疎rt films・ The documentary shows not only the rise of X films made in both Britain and America, but also the ways in which directors got around the censorship requirements ・by releasing documentaries of nudist colonies with glamour models playing volleyball etc. Later on in the documentary, it shifts to slapstick sex comedy, lesbian-themed films and films depicting sadomasochism and rape.

Episode 4:
X-Rated: The Pop Videos They Tried to Ban was a British one-off television documentary examining controversial music videos.

X-Rated Complete Series ・DVDRip

X-Rated Complete Series ・DVDRip

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